In order to meet the government’s target of 200,000 Coronavirus tests a day. Every family will receive a £5 voucher to be used on a takeaway curry. If you can’t smell the farts after two […]

Really? But not quite Totally Bollocks! I must admit that I do get frustrated by a lot of things; sometimes it is a mild frustration; at other times it is a little more than that. I am using this grade of bollocks as a place to share these frustrations and the like.
In order to meet the government’s target of 200,000 Coronavirus tests a day. Every family will receive a £5 voucher to be used on a takeaway curry. If you can’t smell the farts after two […]
Today I am sad! We all have our favourite café; in Petersfield mine is Cloisters Café. However, today I have heard some bad news; Lindsey has left…decamped; departed; gone; quit; split or however you want […]
I want to offer SEO in Portsmouth; Hampshire and Petersfield from just £1 a day. This will be for a Q&A answering service with the actual fee being based upon the needs of any potential […]
Is someone trying to game Google for SEO Portsmouth? I hope I am wrong and WILL change this post accordingly if proved to be so. However, there appears to be something not quite right with […]
Enough was enough; so Yesterday I dismissed one of my clients. Update: I haven’t charged clients for a few years now, I have, however, left this post as it was as there is a quintessential […]
Recently I decided to find a job! Working for yourself can be hard; finding paying jobs even harder, alas I have been told I Am Too Old and Too Ugly! A while ago I was […]
After working for myself for the last five years I recently decided to get a job; alas it looks like I am Past My Sell By Date! Can 50 be too old? From now on, […]