I Am Too Old and Too Ugly!

David Edbrooke-Stainer

Recently I decided to find a job!

Working for yourself can be hard; finding paying jobs even harder, alas I have been told I Am Too Old and Too Ugly!

David Edbrooke-StainerA while ago I was asked to train the staff of a London based Tantric Massage parlour in the art of SEO. The day was a success. I’d become one of a handful of blokes who had walked out of a knocking shop with more money than when he went in. What’s more, the girls were so pleased with me; they asked me back again!

Anyway; earlier that day, I had seen an advert for a job in SEO with a large London based marketing company. As I was near them, I called and asked for an interview; I got one! Upon arrival, I was taken to an office and introduced to an Italian girl who was their head of SEO; the guy who met me was the MD of the company.

Upon sitting down his firsts words where “You are too ugly!” Considering we looked similar, I was not disheartened. He then went on to explain that they needed a young SEO to travel with the Italian SEO sitting with us to try and gain clients. He felt I would scare the potential clients off; I could see his point.

Move forward a few months, and I once again thought I would seek employment; I sent off my CV; which I have to admit sounds good; within 5 minutes the M.D. of that company called me. After chatting a while, he said that he felt insecure having people older than him working for him. There had been problems in the past. He thought I was too old!

I am 50; I am too old and too ugly!