I have created many websites/blogs over the years. Most fell away as I tried something different. And many of these are now lost forever.
Recently, I have abandoned numerous domain names, leaving myself a mere handful to play with. Yet niggling urges have caused me to rebuild a few that were unique in how they looked or functioned. These will be displayed on David’s XYZ though the content might be limited. Think of them as a show and tell.
Note-taking Themed Blogs
Two websites were designed for note-taking. One looked like a Jotter, the other a notepad. To the naked eye, they look rudimentary. However, a lot of work went into the designs.
The words sit on the lines of the pages—as in a notebook. And the styling took a lot of work to get it working on several display sizes—desktops, tablets and phones.
A Microblog
Another site that took a long time to get right functioned as a microblog. Each blog post had to be a maximum of 55 words for it to work. And each looks like it has been written on a typewriter, with the paper still in the machine. The text is slanted on any device over 359 pixels wide—to match the slant of the typewriter.
The idea behind the microblog was to create one post a day. After 206 days, I gave up. I found it hard to write 55 words a day. Covid was around back then, and we weren’t doing much.
Bulk Standard Blog
I’m Doing was a website that lasted longer than most. Again it was a blog—don’t read it; it was often written on the fly via my phone, and the grammar was never checked. But I like the work I did on the styling, a black background and different fonts used on the home page—simple.
Actually, I’m Doing is two sites turned into one.
Bullet Journal Themed Blog
One of my favourite websites was Bulleted. Now moved to David’s Day Though simple looking, the backend was full of delights, with the pages pulling content from various custom post types. I stopped using it a year to the day that my Auntie Doreen died. However, I may rekindle it somehow.
It worked as a bullet journal. Not the ones full of pictures, but taken from the original bullet journal ideas of Ryder Carroll.
Haiku Themed Blog
Another blog I was going to showcase here is David Stainer dot com. The site was going to tell my life story via Haiku. Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that sticks to set rules. Three lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables. A Haiku doesn’t need to rhyme.
With David Stainer, I changed the workings of the Haiku so that each poem was a series of Haiku. And the first and third line rhyme.
I have decided I am not confident enough to leash my poor attempt at Haiku on the world. So I have created a new site based on the old website and have written a single page that displays a poem I wrote while sitting by my dying mother’s bedside.
Cartoon Themed Blog
I have created many other websites and will write about them in the future. Probably on another blog post. My favourite of these is Being Grandpa. This is a blog with a difference. It shows my life with my grandchildren via a cartoon-style website.
Well, that’s about it for now. I need to start working on the posts within the above sections of this website. The posts need to be checked and maybe moved around to other areas.