I will once again be doing SEO in Portsmouth; however, it may not be under the WTF SEO banner. A couple of days ago I had a meeting with an old friend of mine (Sean Mullins). OK, he isn’t old; I have just known him for a while now. Anyhow; his business is growing, and so he needs extra staff.
So I have set up a system where I can look after the local SEO side of things for him and anyone else along with website maintenance and if needed lots of SEO advice to help them rank nationally.
Anyone who has read any of my test websites will know that I don’t like charging; so have decided that I’ll charge £13.99 per week after an initial set up charge of £99.99. For this, the client gets a whole sub-domain on an unbranded website where I list all the issues etc. and what I have done to fix them.
I will write more about this on another website aimed at SEO in Portsmouth.